Western Smiles Dental Care

How does a dental crown work?

A dental crown is a protective cap that fits over a damaged, weakened or decayed tooth, strengthening it and shielding it from further damage. 

woman smiling in mirrabookaCommon Reasons for a Dental Crown

At Western Smiles Dental Care, we often recommend dental crowns to protect a tooth when the tooth has been:

  • Structurally weakened due to a root canal treatment, extensive decay or a large filling
  • Cracked, chipped or fractured
  • Discoloured and needs to be covered

We use all-ceramic E-MAX crowns in our Mirrabooka dental practice and in our other practice locations in Dianella, Nolamarra and Balcatta, to provide the best outcomes to patients. E-MAX crowns have a flawless appearance, blending in perfectly with the patient’s smile. And they are strong and durable. Due to their strength, they aren’t very susceptible to cracks or fractures, and they often last longer than other types of crowns.

What’s the First Step?

The first step toward getting a dental crown is a thorough exam. After evaluating your dental needs, we may recommend a crown to cover a tooth. If that’s the case, we will customise the crown to your tooth and to blend in with your smile. The dental crown process usually takes at least 2-3 visits to complete. 

E-MAX Crowns in Mirrabooka

If you need a dental crown in the Mirrabooka area or near one of our other convenient locations, we invite you to call Western Smiles Dental Care. Our experienced dental team provides exceptional care to patients with top-of-the-line dental treatments, such as dental crowns.

We enjoy helping patients preserve their beautiful smiles with dental crowns and other procedures, and we would love to evaluate your situation to see if dental crowns can help you