Western Smiles Dental Care
dental crown on prepared tooth

Why Do I Need a Dental Crown?

August 20, 2024
man smiling while sitting outside cafe in mirrabooka

Your dentist in Mirrabooka recommends a dental crown for various reasons—everything from a weak tooth to a cosmetic flaw. Our tooth crowns also work in conjunction with other dental technologies to restore smiles.

A dental crown is a custom tooth cover designed to mimic a natural tooth's look and function.  

10 Reasons You May Need a Tooth Crown in Mirrabooka

  1. Replacing a Large Filling: Deep decay compromises tooth structure. In some cases, if a filling is missing, it makes sense to replace it with a dental crown.
  2. After Root Canal Treatment: If your tooth has been weakened or damaged due to injury or root infection, your dentist may recommend a dental crown following root canal treatment. This restores stability and protects your tooth from fracturing when you eat or bite down.
  3. Deep Dental Decay:  Large cavities can weaken teeth, and advanced decay may require a dental crown instead of a filling to maintain stability.
  4. Chips and Cracks: A tooth that is significantly chipped may be vulnerable to further breakage. For safety, your dentist may opt to treat the tooth and fit it with a dental crown.
  5. Short and Worn Teeth: Teeth that are worn can cause aesthetic and chewing difficulties. A dental crown can heighten a short tooth.
  6. Cosmetic Imperfections:  We can place a dental crown over an unattractive tooth that is discoloured or misshapen, allowing for an aesthetically pleasing look.
  7. Post Orthodontic Treatment: Orthodontic treatment in Mirrabooka can leave you with a beautiful smile, but if teeth have lost their shape or alignment, dental crowns can help.
  8. Weak or Thin Teeth: Dental crowns provide protection for weak, thin, and at-risk teeth.
  9. Injured Teeth: A dental crown can sometimes save an injured tooth from loss or extraction.  
  10. As Part of Tooth Replacement: If you have missing teeth, our tooth crowns can anchor a bridge of restoring teeth across the gap to give you a full and functioning smile. They also cap dental implant posts, behaving like a natural tooth.

The E-MAX Dental Crown Process

At Western Smiles Dental Care, we use E-MAX tooth crowns because they are made of ceramic, which means no grey discolouration near the gumline. E-MAX crowns are also translucent or natural-looking to resemble a real tooth and are built to last. We have found that patients prefer our ceramic crowns in Mirrabooka.

The dental crown process finds your dentist treating your tooth—either shaping or removing infection and decay—in preparation for 'capping' with your custom E-MAX dental crown. The crown is then bonded over your tooth to the gumline, allowing you to enjoy your meals again.

For Tooth Crowns in Mirrabooka, We Encourage Your Call

If you have a fractured or discoloured tooth, or if you would like more information, a member of our team is standing by to help you today.